New England Recipes Masthead I New Egnland Recipes Masthead II


American Physician
Mackenzie’s Five Thousand Receipts in all the Useful and Domestic Arts. New Edition from the Latest London Edition. Philadelphia: James Kay. (1831)

Better Homes & Gardens Company
Better Homes & Gardens New Cook Book (1953) Reprint available at
Better Homes & Gardens New Cook Book (1965) Reprint available at

Bowles, Ella Shannon & Sorothy S. Towle
Secrets of New England Cooking (1947)

Buckeye Publishing Company
The Buckeye Cookbook (1883)

Child, Mrs. Lydia
The American Frugal Housewife. 12th Ed. Boston: Carter, Hendee & Co. (1834)
The American Frugal Housewife. 16th Ed. Boston: Carter, Hendee & Co. (1834)

Early, Eleanor
New England Cookbook (1954)

Farmer, Fannie
Boston Cooking School Cookbook (1896 Edition) Reprint available at

Gardiner, Anne Gibbons
Mrs. Gardiner’s Family Receipts from 1763 Boston (n.d.)

Gibson, Elizabeth Stuart
The Compleat New England Huswife: System of the Whole Art and Mystery of Goody’s Cookery. Albion Press  (1992)

Hale, Sarah Josepha
The Good Housekeeper [Early America Cookery] (1841)

Harland,  Marion; M. Parloa; D. A. Lincoln; Thomas  Murrey
The New England Cook Book. Boston: Brown Publishing Co. (1905)

Lincoln, D. A.
Boston Cooking School Cook Book (1884)

Mosser, Marjorie
Good Maine Food (1939)
Good Maine Food
(1974) Available at

Morrow, Kay (ed.)
New England Cook Book of Fine Old Recipes (1936)

Murphy, Claudia Quigley
A Collation of Cakes: Yesterday and Today. (1923)

Parloa, M.
The Appledore Cook Book: Containing Practical Receipts for Plain and Rich Cooking (1872) Reprint available at
The Appledore Cook Book: Containing Practical Receipts for Plain and Rich Cooking (1881) Reprint available at

Rombauer, Irma & Marion Rombauer Becker
Joy of Cooking (1931) Reprint available at
Joy of Cooking (Revised 1975, reprinted 1985/1995/1997 by various publishers) Available at

Simmons, Amelia
American Cookery. 1st Edition. Hartford: Printed by Hudson & Goodwin for the Author (1796)
American Cookery. 2st Edition. Albany: Printed by Charles R. & George Webster for the Authoress (1796)

Wakefield, Ruth
Toll House Tried and True Recipes (1948)

Wilson, Mary T. (ed.)
The First American Cookbook: A Facsimile of “American Cookery.” 1796 by Amelia Simmons. Introductory essay by Mary Wilson. New York: Dover Publications (1958).



